No Skin

    Sorry for no skin for a month,I am to busy with mount and blade modding
    i am will more active at november

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No Skin

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Alaskan Way Connected!

    The north and south sections of Alaskan Way are connected in Minecraft. Now we need to label and clean up the perimeters of the piers.

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Alaskan Way Connected!

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1.9 pre-release 3!

    It's been up two days now, but I only have a chance to write about it now, so sorry guys!

    Minecraft 1.9 pre-release is out now! (here)

    It includes:

    • Enchanting table
    • Eye of Ender
    • Brewing stand
    • Cauldron icon
    • Crystal block
    • Golden apples are changed a little, with them being shiny and looking more special

    First of all, the enchanting table.

    Enchantment Table.png

    - b -
    d o d
    o o o

    b = book
    d= diamond
    o= obsidian

    And now the brewing stand.
    Brewing Stand.png

     - - -
    - b -
    c c c

    b = blaze rod
    c = cobblestone

    Brewing Stand (Full).png

    And you were probably wondering what is up with the "crystal blocks". The crystal blocks can be found in a strong hold, over a 3x3 pool of lava, as of yet they do not work but they are for the sky dimension. They can only be repaired with Eye Of Ender.  

    A 1x1 glass pillar now stands above a stronghold to give you a hint as to where they are.

    You can now drink buckets of milk as a cure for posion and drink glasses of water

    And don't shear a baby Mooshroom, they will turn into an adult cow instead of one of the cute babies.

    Thats all for now guys, if I have missed anything please leave a comment below.


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1.9 pre-release 3!

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Take Minecraft with you!

    Hello! I am glad you all are enjoying Minecraft. I wanted to share with you Mojang's latest release: Minecraft Pocket Edition for Android. It costs about seven dollars for the full edition, which allows users to access multi-player worlds such as the one you all are using. This could be very handy for your trips to the waterfront -- you could add information to the game world in real time!

    I will be using it to help me improve TopoMC. I am confident that you will find new and interesting ways to use these tools!

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Take Minecraft with you!

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[1.8.1] LulzCode Free Client - Possibly the best free client out there..

    [1.8.1] LulzCode Free Client - Possibly the best free client out there.. 
    Accounts to use the client: 247!

    [Image: CzGk4l.jpg]

    As some of you may know I was working on a private full client, and yes that is still in progress, but in the meantime I decided to make something for you all based on that WIP full client, and I do believe this is, and possibly always will be the best free client available.

    Let's cut to the chase, this is a client that I have put months into, from a beginner Java and MC programmer, till now. This client, especially the full version, is something I am very proud of. This client features many hacks, both new, unique ones, and one's either have used or have seen before. This client features a FULLY working (though possibly not yet completed) reputation system, advanced banning system, logging of commands & rep changes (only the commands for full users; banning, repping, messaging, etc), and.. well I'll add to this later I've been programming all day, I'm tired, and I'm sure you wanna get to the client!

    Download : DOWNLOAD

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[1.8.1] LulzCode Free Client - Possibly the best free client out there..

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File Deleted

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File Deleted

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    Too many Items is a mod where player has all the items in his inventory..!
    See my video For the installation!!!

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Unfriendly Mobs


    Zombies look like the default player model but with green skin and torn clothing. Zombies have a melee (direct physical) attack. Zombies burn in sunlight. Upon death yes they may drop 0-2 feather s. Notch may be planning on making zombies able to destroy blocks during a special event like a red die moon which will also create hordes of zombies. while digging deep underground a zombie could easily pop up and begin to attack you from your underside. Zombies also make a distinct groaning sound, like their stomach is growling.
    Notch planned to have a mode of Minecraft in where the moon is red and hordes of zombies will attack you. The zombies may be able to break blocks. This mode, however, is unconfirmed and is rumored to be called the "zombie siege mode".
    For more information on how to fight Zombies see Battle Tactics/Tips


    Skeletons do not have a melee attack, and instead stand a distance away and fire arrows at the player. This gives a distinct "twang" noise to alert the player of the attack. Upon death they may drop arrows and/or bones. Skeletons burn in sunlight. Skeletons have a 1% chance to spawn riding a Spider. A skeleton riding a spider will shoot arrows less accurately because of the spiders constant movement.
    Because a skeleton's attack is ranged, the player can use this to make a skeleton shoot at another mob by making it move into the skeleton's line of fire. Any mobs that are damaged by a skeleton's arrows turn hostile towards it and attempt to kill it. In the case of a creeper, it will attempt to self-destruct when in close proximity of the mob as if it were a player. If the skeleton wins the battle against a creeper, a music disc of colors green or gold will be dropped by the creeper. These can be played by using a jukebox. As of Beta 1.2, Skeletons drop bones which can be made into bonemeal.
    The skeleton is able to move in and out of cover while shooting arrows if it is in the vicinity of a wall or blocks two blocks high.
    For more information on how to fight Skeletons see Battle Tactics/Tips
    le creeper est con


    Spiders only have a melee attack. They attack by randomly leaping forward at the player. Spiders will end up killing the player if he or she is cornered. A Spider's eyes turn red when attacked and during the night, which means they will attack the player. They have a flat shape and can travel through 1-tile high areas where other mobs can't, although they can't travel through 1-tile wide areas. On death it may drop string to make bowswool, or fishing rods. Spiders make a sound that is a bit like the slurping of a straw, so the player will notice it. Spiders have 1% odds to spawn with a skeleton riding them. A skeleton riding a spider will shoot arrows less accurately because of the spider's constant movement. Spiders are able to climb flat walls. In the day, spiders do not attack the player, but will only attack if the player attacks it. There is a way to get the string from a passive Spider WITHOUT prevoking it. Simply light it on fire with a Flint and Steel. Also, another way to fight a spider is by making it follow you into sand and then by placing a cactus gate that is 3 blocks tall so they can't jump over it and get to you. Although this is a good idea, it may not always work. Make overhangs on your walls so spiders cannot climp up onto your building. You could also make the walls cacti to make it so they die!

    For more information on how to fight Spiders see Battle Tactics/Tips
    Spider Jockey
    Skeliton rider.jpg
    There is a 1-5% chance of a spider spawning with a skeleton on its back. This is also the only way a skeleton can appear on a spiders back, as spiders cannot be mounted.
    Both the spider and skeleton have their own health as usual, possibly making these the most hostlie mobs and most difficult to kill. The best tactic for killing spider jockeys is through the use of a bow. The best method is to kill the skeleton first, as to protect yourself from a barrage of arrows, then to kill the spider. Killing a spider jockey is also one of the most rewarding mobs to kill. As the skeleton and spider are classed as seperate mobs, having seperate health bars, they will also drop seperate items. The spider 1-3 units of string and the skeleton 1-2 arrows and 1-3 bones. The skeleton's arrows may go through glass.

    A new mob Notch was talking about in the 1.8 that if you put your cursor on its head then it will look at you ,but if you look away after staring it in the eye will chase you and will try to kill you also Notch said the new mob will be able to teleport and pick up blocks.


    A big slime and a torch for size comparison.
    A small, harmless slime.
    Slimes were added in Secret Friday Update #6. These mobs only spawn deep underground and can be different sizes, the biggest being 2x2x2 in size, but strangely, these can still fit through corridors one block wide.
    Slimes come in 4 sizes: small, medium, large, and huge. Large, medium, and huge sized slimes can hurt the player on touch, but small slimes are harmless even though they will still jump at the player. When a slime is split, or when it dies, it may drop 0-2 slime balls.
    Slimes can only move by jumping. They cannot swim very well due to their movement characteristics and will drown easily, making a bucket of water useful for spelunking.

    Slimes can spawn regardless of an area being lit up or not. Slimes do not burn when exposed to sunlight, and it appears that slimes only spawn in large sections of the underground, though they travel to smaller areas.
    For more information on how to fight Slimes see Battle Tactics/Tips

    Ghast (Phantasma Ignius)

    These Ghasts (Phantasma Ignius) are shooting their exploding fireballs at the unfortunate player.
    Ghasts were added in the Halloween update. They are large jellyfish-like ghosts that shoot the player with exploding fireballs, which ignite flammable materials and can destroy your portal back to the world, but it cause destruction on a smaller scale than TNT or a creeper explosion. They are only found in the Nether. Though they can occasionally be found near portals, so take care with your lighting around the portal. Ghasts originally were affected by fire damage, such as falling into the lava pools or flying under the numerous lava falls, but in an update, Notch took out their ability to be harmed by fire damage. The ghast makes a noise like a suffering baby. However, do not be paralyzed by their sound, as they are relatively weak both in terms of attack and health.
    They can be dispatched with three arrows, or by reeling them in with a fishing rod in order to strike them with a sword. Their fireballs can be deflected back at them using arrows, or anything else.
    Ghasts drop gunpowder on death.
    For more information on how to fight Ghasts see Battle Tactics/Tips


    A picture of a Creeper
    Creepers are a hostile mob that appears at night. Creepers do not hurt the players when you get close, but they have a 1.5 second fuse that will cause an explosion doing damage to the player and any blocks that are near it(except Obsidian)but also killing the Creeper. Unlike Zombies and Skeletons, Creepers can stay alive in the daytime without burning. If the Creeper is killed by the player it drops 0-2 gunpowder which can be used in TNT. If a creeper is struck by lightning, it will become a charged creeper and will have blue electricity around it. The electricity does not hurt the player but it causes the Creepers explosion to cause more damage and destroy more blocks.


    Zombie Pigmen (Yahügreb)

    Some Yahügreb (Zombie Pigmen) in the Nether.
    Zombie Pigmen were added in the Halloween update and can only be found in the Nether. They are a people known as the Yahügreb and they appear as zombie, but have the skin of a pig. They are equipped with a gold sword and attack only if provoked by the player. If you attack one, the entire group attacks you as well. If left alone, Zombie Pigmen will wander around aimlessly. They drop 1-2cooked meat and 1-2 feathers on death.
    In an update on November 10th, Zombie Pigmen no longer take fire damage from lava burning tiles. Zombie Pigmen after this update also learned to forgive the player for attacking a member of their clan over time.
    Also in the 1.5 update, when a pig is struck by lightning they will turn into Zombie Pigmen


    An untamed wolf.
    A tame wolf, with red collar.
    Wolves are a mob that were added in Beta 1.4. They dont attack until atacked by the player; then their eyes turn red, their hair turns darker and you will have to fight the entire pack.
    It is not assured that the wolf will attack on ranged damage you do to hostile mobs. The most effective way to use them is in close combat. They also have the bad habit of appearing in front of you if they are too far away from you will following you. The numbers of bones you have to use for one wolf vary from one to another. They spawn at night near torches where there are a good concentration of passive mobs. They are also seen to randomly attack wild sheep.
    if you give your wolf pork while its sitting down you will see its tail rise, when it has full health its tail will be at a slightly higher angle than the body. If you right-click a wolf with anything, it will sit down and won't move. If you right-click again, it will follow you. This allows you to make houses your "dogs" can live in.

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Unfriendly Mobs

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Animals and Uses


    Pigs were added with the first version of Survival Test. They spawn in the daylight, like the other friendly mobs, in groups of 1-4. They wander aimlessly until killed. In Survival mode, on death they drop a raw porkchop. Since Indev and onward they drop 0-2 units of pork. In the most recent build of Minecraft, they eat mushrooms when they walk over them. Friendly Mobs are also known to jump on top of torches, which makes them susceptible to simple traps. If you set a pig on fire with flint and steel he drops cooked pork.
    As of the 1.5 Beta update, lightning during a thunderstorm may hit a pig and transform them into a zombie pigman. Normally, zombie pigman can only be found in the Nether, but now it can also exist in the normal world.
    As a result of frequent prodding from a user known as Miclee, Notch added saddles for the pigs during a Secret Friday Update. The player is not able to control the pig while riding it, however it does protect the player from fall damage. Pigs drop meat when killed, which can be eaten raw for 1.5 hearts or cooked for 4 hearts. Pigs can also be ridden with a saddle, that can be only found on spawners chests.
    Pig (Status Card) Health: 5 Hearts Drops: 0-3 pork pieces at once Color: Pink
    Side Note: Pigs love to push people into lava.


    Sheep were added in the first version of Survival test. They spawn in daylight and are generally in large groups. Sheep wander aimlessly until killed. Hitting a sheep once with shears makes them drop 0 to 3 units of Wool (which regrow, literally, over night), and attacking beyond that will kill the sheep, yielding nothing upon death. In the latest version of Indev, sheep eat grass, but in Minecraft infdev and onward they do not. Sheep with black and gray wool have been added in the 1.2 beta update on January 13th. Brown and pink sheep were also added in the Beta 1.4 update, on March 29th. The 1.2 update also let players dye sheep a variety of colors. Pink and brown wool is considered rare, so to find a brown or pink sheep is extremely lucky. In beta 1.5, sheep can now be found in most natural colors, including brown, tan, black, pink, yellow, and gray


    Cows were added with the 1.0.8 patch on July 20, 2010. Cows spawn in daylight in groups of up to six. As with pigs and sheep, they currently only spawn on grass. Killing cattle produces 0 to 2 units of LeatherMilk was also added in 1.0.8, and in 1.0.11 players could right-click a cow with abucket to obtain milk. You need milk in order to make cake.

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Animals and Uses

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