We laugh and we cry, but a laugh does not always signify happiness, and a tear must not always represent sadness. Things can always work the other way around, which is why I am eventually glad for being faced with so many problems. It took me a while to realize that...:)
Btw, some drawing I made in the middle of a meeting heheh...
Thanks to Kevin Johnson Gothiness: 6 Sweatiness: 7 Imagine being 4 years old, happily building a sandcastle and paddling in the sea whilst your parents try to get a tan and keep an eye on you at the same time. You don't have a care in the world, and you've never even heard about vampires, let alone seen a Bela Lugosi film. There you are, standing up to admire your 5-bucket sandcastle achievement; you glance up, and see these guys coming at you. You'd fucking shit yourself.
Thanks to Andromeda Han Gothiness: 8 Sweatiness: 4 Caught out after dawn, these Darklings know what they're doing - hiding under the boardwalk gives you two advantages: Firstly, you can avoid the searing Daystar until the Night comes with her cool embrace, when you shall once more walk amongst the living, choosing your victims and dealing your undead kiss. Secondly, you can look up girls' skirts. Brilliant!
It's that time of year again, friends, when I take a break from kitchen and kettle to issue a public service announcement concerning the hot water bath processing of (in order of the number of questions I receive about them) carrots, green beans and peas.
Ready? There is no safe, recommended water bath processing time for non-pickled carrots, green beans or peas (and other non-acidic garden vegetables). If you are looking to can regular old plain veggies - a fine and noble activity - you're going to want a pressure canner and the recommendations of the good folks at the USDA. Pickled vegetables are another matter entirely and you can safely go about putting up quart after quart of dilly beans or pickled carrot coins for as long as your vinegar supply holds out.
For now I'm concentrating on pickling mushrooms and avoiding the siren call of raspberry jam. What's in your water bath these days?
Thanks to Elvira Gothiness: 7 Sweatiness: 6 Goth down! Goth down! In just minutes, David Hasslegoth and the Gothwatch rescuers will run onto the scene carrying revitalising bottles of Snakebite and some Gothasols. Let's hope they can survive the Daystar until then. They do, however, know the correct way to sunbathe a la Goth - as covered up as you can be, with a bag full of poetry and pseudo-intellectual books, presumably L’Étranger or À la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Minus points, however, for the white trainers. Poor show Gothette! Side note: As a Didi-Goth I once took to a beach with some 'intellectual' reading in order to pull the clever totty (my favourite kind). I made two mistakes; firstly,the beach I was on was in Malia, Crete where the words 'clever' and 'totty' don't often mix; second, the book I chose was 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade. Consequently I spent a week lying on a beach shouting "Oh God NO! He's doing what with a WHAT? And why are THEY standing over him?" To this day I am the only man ever to go to Malia and not pull.