We're rapidly entering movie of the week territory here: Sleepness Nights, When a Woman Loses What's Left of Her Mind.
The Little Diva had a very difficult night last night into this morning. So I called the doctor describing the latest series of symptoms and was told to get her into the pediatric radiology department as quickly as possible. I am going to spare you the details of this adventure, but will tell you that we're pretty sure we've got everything figured out - she is much more comfortable and is starting to nurse well again. The doc gave me a box of Mother's Milk tea as we were leaving and made arrangements to come to the house tomorrow to check in on us. That's right - our pediatrician makes house calls for sick visits. Proof that wonders never do, actually, cease.
And so tomorrow we will hopefully bring this two week illness episode to a close. Real life scheduled to recommence on Monday.
The Little Diva had a very difficult night last night into this morning. So I called the doctor describing the latest series of symptoms and was told to get her into the pediatric radiology department as quickly as possible. I am going to spare you the details of this adventure, but will tell you that we're pretty sure we've got everything figured out - she is much more comfortable and is starting to nurse well again. The doc gave me a box of Mother's Milk tea as we were leaving and made arrangements to come to the house tomorrow to check in on us. That's right - our pediatrician makes house calls for sick visits. Proof that wonders never do, actually, cease.
And so tomorrow we will hopefully bring this two week illness episode to a close. Real life scheduled to recommence on Monday.
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