Today was a blaaaaaaast...a celebration of 11 personalities and lovely shoppers.. thank you so much, all! And I'm so happy of the fact that this Blogger Yard Sale have been able to take place three times guys who come are the ones who make us want to always have this event! Thanks for coming, saying hi and shopping, guys! :)
Zara faux leather dress, Topshop socks, modified unbranded tights, Up sandals
Lastly, thanks to my friends from Protocol Afro who kindly performed and entertained the guys are awesome! :)
See you in the next Blogger Yard Sale in 2011! Muah! :)
*Update: Here's a loooooovely video of the event made by Fifi watch! :)
I aaaaalways appreciate local brands. To me, they are an inspiration. Whether their business scale is small, medium, or large, they all contribute to our country's economy and pride...:)
Anyway..a few days ago, I took a stroll to my favorite mall, Grand Indonesia, and took time to visit an Indonesian-brand shoe shop...I always wonder how they managed to bring their brand to be present in such a grand & prestigious mall (capital-wise) I look up to them very much. And I can see that their quality is maintained at a fine level, that even my mom likes it a shoe lover and entrepreneur, I actually think they're good! :)
But in all that awe, I ended up being disappointed. It was a huuuuuuge turn off when a few days ago I saw them selling flat shoes (which were lovely, really), embellished with a Tory Burch golden-plate logo on top of literally Tory Burch. Whyyyyyyy? In terms of brand equity, I can see that they're getting there, able to become a global player. Having that good of reputation, there's clearly no need to use any elements of other brands moreover the logo, especially ones which are worldwide-famous hence made their shoes easily spotted to appear (no longer) original, and definitely 'cheap'.
I liked their brand because they were themselves, not because they're Tory Burch. As a local player, we should educate our consumers to be able to accept, appreciate and love local brands just as much as they do towards international brands. That's what it's all about, innit? :)
I'm really into men's tie's a fun accessory to play around with! Yay!! :)
Thrifted dress, unbranded belt & bow tie, dad's tie, Up wedges
Anyway, a friend of mine asked whether I would still wear other (local) brands other than Up, since I now have my own shoe line...well of course I would! I will always be happy to support other brands, and I appreciate them all as entrepreneurs that leverage our local business industry...and besides, I'm a woman, and I'll always feel happy to shop! Hahah...
Dear entrepreneurs, let us support each other and compete healthily...xoxo! :)
PS: I just received a very sweet & kind email from Morine Hutapea...she even made me a scrapbook! Thank you sooo much, dear...your words mean a lot to me...rock on, girl! :)
I'm soooooo happpyyyy to be featured in Glamour magazine....thank you so much! This is the first time seeing my face on a page of a U.S magazine...yay! :)
For some time now many online sites have offered Free Games for consoles and PC to their users. Finally for the first time, you can get Minecraft Free! Keep in mind this isn't a method to get a pirated version of the game or anything of the kind. You will get a Minecraft Paid account bought for you. The Creator (Notch) still gets paid for the purchase of the game. However you won't be the one who is paying for it - this site does!
Join the growing number of users to this site, in getting Minecraft completely Free and attainable in just a couple of hours!
With this guide you will be able to get a Minecraft account upgraded to the paid version. Of course, the game will be bought for you.
How does it work?
The prize site that you join will purchase the actual games for you and send the game to you, in this case they will activate your username on Minecraft with a purchased registration.
The site also offers free Amazon gift certificates, which are posted to you by mail from Amazon or even Steam games, which are Gift purchased for you. It is only recently that they have added Minecraft to the list of prizes.
One condition is that you need to be from the USA, UK, Canada or Australia to be able to claim your prize from the site.
So what do I need to do?
Step 1 - Sign up.
Follow the link HERE and sign up for an account at the Free Games website.
Enter your e-mail in the center and confirm your Prize account when you receive the activation message in your e-mail.
Step 2 - The Points!
Now that you are signed up log into your account and its time to get points! Points can be traded in for prizes. 1 point on the site is worth $1 which you can use to request your game. To start, click on the "Get Points" tab at the top of the page and check for Available offers.
The points for completing these offers are shown on the right side of each offer and you should also see a description of what you need to do to complete each offer. Make sure you carefully follow the description to get your points.
It is strongly recommended to get your first points by using the Walkthrough further below. As it will guide you step-by-step through a particular offer. If you wish to proceed on your own, the best advice would be to first change the setting to "Least to Greatest" using the "sort by" filter and trying out a low crediting offer to begin with. After you've credited a low crediting offer it should give you a nice overview of where to start, after which you can move on to Greater reward offers.
Offer Filling Walkthrough: For USA and UK only To get you started here are walkthrough's of how to fillout an offer from the USA offers section and the UK offers section which will get you quick points using step by step guide. Now Click the walkthrough for which ever country you are in to Get your Points.
Also remember that even though most of the time you'll get the points instantly some of the offers may take 5-10 minutes to credit you. So don't worry if you don't see the points just be patient and keep doing other offers, they will appear after a given time.
General tips for doing offers: 1.Delete cookies before every offer - This is the Most important rule. 2.Read the Offer description carefully so you know exactly what to do to get the points.
3. Complete offers with realistic information. Make a new email specifically just for survey's so that you don't receive any spam on your personal email address. 4. Use a browser that accepts cookies (Firefox or Internet Explorer) 5. Let each page load completely 6. Finally join the Prizerebel Forums where we advise each other on how to do the difficult high point offers and share our tips.
Step 3 - How to Claim your Game. Minecraft Alpha version is around $13, so therefore you will require 13 Points on the prize site - this should take a couple of hours if you have followed the guide correctly. Once you have got your required points you can claim your prize - Follow the procedure below to see how to request it.
Make a New Account on Go to Minecraft Homepage ( and make a new account. You will be required to send your Username (only username) when you make a request on the Prize site. They will use your username to upgrade your account to Paid registration.
Click on Prizes:
Go to Page 5 in the Online Games Section from Prize List: Go to page 5 and scroll down until you see Minecraft. Click below it where it says "Click here to claim this prize".
Confirm your request for Minecraft: At this point, make sure you have already made a new account on Minecraft's main site. If you haven't made one already click HERE to Open a new window to the site.
Once you have your Minecraft free account ready, input your Minecraft username in the box provided on the prize site, as shown above. Double check your username making sure it is correct, as this will be the account which will be registered to paid version.
Then just click "Claim Prize" and that's it!
How to know when my Minecraft account has been upgraded to Paid?: You will be notified on the prize site when your prize has been processed. Click on Prize Claims tab.
As soon as you have made your request it will say that your prize is "Pending". Once the Prize site has finalized your request the "Pending" notification will have changed to "Processed" as shown below. You can now download the latest version of Minecraft from their site and access it just like any other Paid user.
Prize claims for Minecraft usually take a few hours to process. Some days there may be a high demand for Minecraft on the site, in which case they will be busy and take a little more time. It shouldn't take more than 1-2 days, so keep checking back to see if your request has been processed.
And that is it! Have fun with Minecraft, obtained completely Free! If you have any questions join the forums where there are thousands of other Gamers, a fun Community and hundreds of Guides on doing Offers.
As a bonus, you can also get updates on weekly and monthly contests where you can get rewarded up to $75 in paypal or an extra 75 Points added to your prize account for completing the most offers within the contest period. For details on this click the Contest section on the main site or visit the Prizerebel Forums
So I finally bought these shoes I loooooooooove...this might surprise you, but they're actually comfy and easy to walk in....:D
My Wardrobe & Things top, Only I skirt worn inside out, D&A shoes
And guess what? After my keyboard tragedy about a week ago, suddenly it's now working again! Just like that! I'm soooooo happpppyyyyyyyy... alhamdulillah ya Allah...:) I guess the only thing needed was to wait until the keyboard got completely dry...thank God I didn't follow the customer-service-man's advice to replace the keyboard with a new one...
Keyboard Tragedy Lesson: Appreciate what we have, and take better care of our belongings....:)