Today's agenda: 1. Go for a hair spa 2. Get some (temporary) curls 2. Buy the book, Super Crunchers!! 3. Stop by at Starbucks and get an Iced Caramel Signature Chocolate... 4. Watch my friends (Master Wu band) rehearse for their soon-to-be-launched album...
To be honest, I don't really like the curls cuz it makes me look a few years older....I wanna stay young, and look young!! Hihihi...thank God it's not permanent...;p
I just realized that I've been tagged by Woro hehehe so I'm very sorry for the late it goes....:)
I’m passionate about… Starting my own family and learn about the real hardships of life Being a successful person in what I do best Travelling around the world and help the people in need
Mostly I say… “Thank you..” “Sorry…” “Helloooooooo!!” “What the heck!?”
I've just finished reading… Warren Buffet Speaks
InsyaAllah before I die, I want to… Try all types of rollercoasters around the world Perform a hajj with my family and in-laws Build a mosque Make sure that I do not owe any debts or apologies to any people
I love listening to… My loved ones talk
What my friends like about me… They like me cuz I like them heheheh…
Last year I've learned… That life is very tough, and we should fight for what we want as long as it’s positive
This is me about a year ago, dressing up for a class presentation....
But lets not talk about the 'me' part here hehehehe....instead, focus on my old grey blazer.....why? Cuz I just got it revamped by a tailor muahahahha.....
I got the collar modified with some use of black satin fabric...and I'm totally loving it...:)
i like your clothes and all, but your photos really look like you photo shopped your ugly head onto the body. its like that for all of 'your' outfits.
Dear Anonymous,
I apologize for being ugly...and I'm sorry for making you think that I photoshopped my head onto OTHER PEOPLE's body huehehheheheehe.... thank you for liking 'my' outifts though...:)
I just realized that I seldom post about my personal life or feelings anymore....I've been thinking why, and I guess the perfect reason for it is that I just don't know what to write about anymore...Sharjeel (my boyfriend) is my biggest inspiration, and given the fact that he's living far away from me in another country just makes me feel so lonely inside that I tend to distract my sadness by blogging about fashion...I just don't have any other stories...I don't have that rushing feeling anymore, and I feel very empty that having the best pair of shoes just won't help...